Health Benefits
Non Pasterized Apple Cider Vinegar
What's the difference between Pasterized and Non Pasterized Apple Cider Vinegar? Pasterized is the clear vinegar that you usually see in the grocery store. It is boiled to remove the impurities and make it pretty. But it also kills all the enzemes and removes vital nutrients.
Non pasterized is literally alive. It is cloudy if it has the "Mother" in it. That's what gives it all the health benefits.
Kill it, Kill the benefits.
Non Pasterized Apple Cider Vinegar is relatively cheap, easy to use and it really benefits our health in numerous ways. Hippocrates, the father of medicine thought of it as a powerful elixir and a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs. Ancient Egyptians, Roman's and Greeks used it. And Apple Cider Vinegar is mentioned in the Bible as an antiseptic and healing agent. Even Columbus had barrels of vinegar on his ships for the prevention of scurvy. Indeed, non pasterized Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for thousands of years, as both a health and cleansing agent.Apple Cider Vinegar can benefit both people and their pets. It is antibacterial and anti-fungal and gives the immune system a good boost. As a high potassium electrolyte balancer, it remineralizes the body and helps normalize the blood's alkaline acid balance.
Non pasterized Apple Cider Vinegar is proving most beneficial to people or animals with arthritis because it breaks down calcium deposits in the joints while remineralizing the bones. It has proven to be equally beneficial to dogs with hip dysplasia.
Non pasterized Apple Cider Vinegar is a good remedy for food poisoning and helpful in digestive upsets. It is also effective for urinary tract infections and it lowers high blood pressure. In animals, it is helpful in skin and coat problems.
For those on diuretics, it is helpful in replacing potassium depletion.
Use one teaspoonful in the dog or cat's drinking water daily as a healthy tonic.
Two teaspoonfuls in a pint of water, for yourself.
Or use the father of medicines
Benefits of
Non pasterized Apple Cinder Vinegar
with the "Mother"INTERNAL BENEFITS: Rich in enzymes & potassium
Natural antibiotic germ fighter
Fights E Coli and other bacteria
Helps control and normalize weight
Helps improve digestion assimilation
Helps relieve arthritis stiffness
Helps relieve dry sore throats
Helps remove body sludge toxins
EXTERNAL BENEFITS: Helps maintain healthy skin
Helps promote youthful, healthy bodies
Soothes pain of sunburn
Helps prevent dandruff, itching scalp, baldness
Soothes tight aching joints, sore muscles
For centuries, people have recognized non pasterized cider vinegar's health benefits to fight infection, promote digestion, and even in fighting osteoporosis. So when you eat that salad with the non pasterized cider vinegar and olive oil dressing, you're reaping large health benefits as well as good taste!
When using Apple Cider Vinegar or any acidic product you should concider taking Coral Calcium because of the mineral loss from the acid. Keeping your body alkaline is most important thing you can do for yourself.
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